Preparing health & safety courses for 2010

Hello and welcome back to the blog.

The team are back at full pace preparing for the next health & safety training courses.  We’re running food, fire safety, risk assessment, H&S to name but a few.  Our trainers are in place, the venues booked and of course delegates reserving places.

Risky business

Last week’s Risk Assessment training session went really well with great feedback from all attendees.   The training day was probably enhanced by the 2-course lunch and the endless supply of drinks (the non-alcoholic variety!!).  LRB Consulting is in danger of getting a reputation for delivering excellent training!

Watch out…health & safety training about

It has been “all go” just recently promoting our forthcoming training – a bit of risk assessment here and some fire safety awareness there.  We’ve been mailing flyers, emailing, talking to clients and places are getting booked.  It’s great when a plan comes together!


I’ll be interested to hear how the fire safety training goes, particularly the practical live fire fighting session – just hope the trainer won’t need to use his first aid skills as well as his fire safety skills that day!

Safety in the Sun (what sun?)

As a proactive and professional health and safety consultancy the team planned to promote the safety in the sun campaign and then…we’ve had storms, atrocious downpours and windy gusts (nothing more frustrating than windy gusts!)  Oh well, I’m sure warm sunshine is just around the corner and then it’ll be all systems go for health and safety in the sun!

Whoa-o do the Risk Assessment

 Who-a Do The Risk Assessment, Whoa-o do the Risk Assessment, Knees bend, arms stretch, Raa Raa Raa!

Hope you’re joining in – you’re probably bending your knees at this moment in time. 

This little ditty is my way of introducing today’s blog as a date has been arranged for LRB Consulting Risk Assessment training.  I can sense I’ve got your full attention now! 

Obviously LRB Consulting only use the best training venues in the area and we’re lucky to be able to make a return visit to one of our favourites.  I’ve carried out a pre-booking risk assessment and can guarantee there will be NO risk of insufficient car parking, NO risk of running out of delicious refreshments but a high risk of receiving high quality risk assessment training!

All fired up

Our latest newsletter with the theme of Fire Safety has been circulated to our clients and contacts.  You can view it too via our website  One of the articles contains details of a £650,000 fine for a company which failed to have adequate fire safety procedures in place!

I’ve set myself an alarm task reminder to start the ball rolling on arranging fire safety training (does this make it a fire alarm?!)

Enjoy your trip

When the boss asked me to research trips I had visions of an office outing to the seaside – but no, I was mistaken.  I am in fact researching slips trips and falls in the workplace!   At the risk of sounding like a bit of a bore, it is remarkable what I’ve found.  Did you know over 14,000 people were seriously injured last year from a slip, trip or fall at work?  Some common causes can be found on our website at


Now onto more cheerful matters.  There’s been 2 birthdays celebrated in our office over the past few days and so cream cakes and choc has been essential.   Had to make sure we don’t slip and trip over one another in our haste to get to the chocolate box!

Back on the blog

It has been a while since I’ve been on the blog so here goes!

This week has been a good one where much enjoyment has been gained from office banter with the main topic of conversation being TV’s  Britain’s Got Talent (or has it?!)   A number of jokes flying around about some of the acts that I can’t possibly share with you – and anyway, I don’t know how to spell some of the words that I’ve heard!

We’ve now got that Friday feeling and with good weather promised for the weekend obviously talk is now of BBQs and the like.  But remember guys… before starting that BBQ make sure you carry  out a full risk assessment!  Off now to slap on some sun block factor 75 but I’ll be back!

The rumour is true…

I can confirm that the rumour is true… Richard is in the land of the living – we’ve had email contact today!  Richard is one of our Health & Safety Consultants who seems to have been on the road for years carrying out those all-important safety audits.  We all like Richard – could be it something to do with the fact that when he pops back to base he brings biscuits?!  And Richard being an extremely knowledgeable health and safety professional always warns us that the biscuits may contain nuts!

Another successful day at ‘LRB Towers’…

Another successful training course led by Mike last week.  A Level 2 Health and Safety in the Workplace qualification, accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, so when attendees pass the test a certificate comes their way! – there’s something to impress your friends!  Mike always puts a lot of effort and energy into the training courses and a great deal of laughter can always be heard coming from the training room.  Mike delivers a range of training

 The buffet lunch was provided by our friendly local caterers and the food was as tasty as ever.